Hey Nur – website questions / modifications: 

1 – Home page – main content section – can we make the “top” padding the same as the “side” padding? 

2 – Homepage – Bottom bar – how do I access the “place” where I edit this? Can I get a short tutorial? 

I understand “HTML” enough to “swap” media URLs and hyperlinks. So if it is that easy, as copy and pasting to replace the media file of one thumbnail for another, I can do that. I just want to make sure that I do it correct, so I don’t, as you say, “Break” the code…. 

But would hate to have to bother you every time I wanted to change a word or update a project thumbnail – something that could be done in 15 seconds…. 

That said: (social icons) From LEFT to RIGHT REMOVE (f0r now) Twitter & Feedburner

“Join The Fight. You are NOT the problem. You are THE solution!”

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/AgentMarketingSyndicate

Google + – https://plus.google.com/+RyanFletcherAMS/posts

LinkedIN – https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=10312110

YouTube – https://plus.google.com/u/0/+RyanFletcherAMS/posts

iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/agent-marketing-syndicate/id923111351 —– found logo – will upload this

Project Thumbnails:

“What is Ryan working on?”

Just add a placeholder for now “coming soon” —– I’ll upload to media library as well


3 – Podcast Category Description – Can we add an editor, so I can “style” and add links?


4 –  Category/blog —- How do I add/display a “Featured Image” on this page, for different posts, if I wish to do so?



OTHER STUFF — I’ve noticed/questions about…. 

5 – Template – New Blank Landing – Image Upload, doesn’t connect to the “media library” – is that a setting or something?

6 – Template – Full width – at some point, the “width” got narrowed –

Test – full width


ALSO — possible to add a “text width” selector?… like we did on the “New Blank Landing” template?

7 – Homepage TOP Opt-in bar – What “piece of code” makes the “name” and “email”… reappear, if deleted? 

…Is that a “modification” to the raw Infusion Form HTML, if I decide to “swap” forms again?