Bold Prediction | Unethical Agents | ReMax Brings On a Battalion of New Recruits | Most Annoying Thing About American Culture | How to Respond to Competition | Steve Jobs | Bill Gates | NAR Cracks Down On Incompetence (HA!) | Public Shaming & Little Timmy’s Self-Esteem | Boycott .Realtor Domains | NAR: Members or Taxpayers? | The Flood of Incompetence | The Part-Time Economy | The Impact On The Honest Agent? | Glenn Garry Glenn Ross – Lots of Them | Why Protectors Will Thrive | and more…
One of the things I want to talk about today, and this is a prediction that I made back in October, November [2013] and it had to do with ReMax going public… and why they were going public now? If you look at their New York Times, if you read their initial public filings, it had to do with, “We’re just going to ride the wave. The housing market is heated up, the economy is fixed, the stock market is an at all time high, we just want to ride the wave.” But, the deeper question is: Why now?
ReMax was founded in 1973, 40 years ago, there were plenty of times to “ride the wave” in that 40 year period. Something else had to be going on. I wrote an article about that, and I speculated about it. I made the prediction that within the next 24–36 months, we’re going to see 300–500 thousand new agents flood into real estate. Now, the sad part about that is, that I’ve been correct, at least prematurely.
Here’s the headline, “ReMax brings battalion of new recruits into real estate.” This is on Inman. I’m going to talk about that later in the show. Unfortunately as I mentioned, it’s a bad thing. It’s good for ReMax, happy shareholders, lots of profit, not so good for most agents. It’s going to be terribly destructive and so I do want to comment on that later in the show as we unfold.
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- Defeat Mega Agents – Ryan’s new book (FREE copy, just pay shipping)
_ - Broken Industry_– Have agents been brainwashed? – thoughts?
_ - Protector Video Series_– The ’12-month Experiment’ that started it all… (video series)
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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast!
Talk soon… Speak up! 🙂