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Broken Industry is a publication unlike any other. Published monthly. It should arrive on, or around, the 1st of the month. Once you get it. Tear into it. Read it. Then send me a note about the section or part that most resonated with you. Just be prepared. Lots of truth packed inside. And it’s not always pretty. By The Guru Party I am hated for writing this publication, but, by its readers, I am loved. Why? Because I just say what so many have been thinking for years.
Your FREE Issue, Bonus Reports & FREE T-Shirt will be shipped to you, typically, within 1-business day. If you live in the continental U.S., delivery takes 1-3 business days depending on where you are. If you’re outside of the U.S., delivery takes 5-15 days depending on your country. The “delay” here, is Customs—enough said..
What To Do If You Need Help?
If you need anything at all or have any questions about your order (or just want to say hello), here’s how to reach us:
1 – You can email support at: Support@AgentMarketingSyndicate.com
You’ll be speaking with Mel, my Chief Customer Experience Gal, “The better half” of my business. She’s awesome. I think people buy this book just so they can talk to her sometimes.
Or, 2 – You can email me personally at: Ryan@AgentMarketingSyndicate.com – (this may take a few extra days for a response).
FREE Copy of Ryan’s Book: Defeat Mega Agents
Talk soon my Friend,
Ryan Fletcher
Author, Defeat Mega-Agents
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, Broken Industry
Founder and CEO, Agent Marketing Syndicate.com
Creator, Protector/Social Superhero Program – By application only. Wait list. 12-Month minimum commitment.
PS: Make sure to subscribe to the Podcast too. It’s free, of course! If you’re already a fan of the show and loyal listener, please, let me hear from you. Head over to iTunes and leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt.
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