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Broken Industry is a publication unlike any other. Published monthly. It should arrive on, or around, the 1st of the month. Once you get it. Tear into it. Read it. Then send me a note about the section or part that most resonated with you. Just be prepared. Lots of truth packed inside. And it’s not always pretty. By The Guru Party I am hated for writing this publication, but, by its readers, I am loved. Why? Because I just say what so many have been thinking for years.

Issue 1_Cover_Spread2   Bonus_2pg_Image_Spread2  

Your FREE Issue, Bonus Reports & FREE T-Shirt will be shipped to you, typically, within 1-business day. If you live in the continental U.S., delivery takes 1-3 business days depending on where you are. If you’re outside of the U.S., delivery takes 5-15 days depending on your country. The “delay” here, is Customs—enough said..

What To Do If You Need Help?t-shirt_design_AMS

If you need anything at all or have any questions about your order (or just want to say hello), here’s how to reach us:

1 – You can email support at: Support@AgentMarketingSyndicate.com

You’ll be speaking with Mel, my Chief Customer Experience Gal, “The better half” of my business. She’s awesome. I think people buy this book just so they can talk to her sometimes.

Or, 2 – You can email me personally at: Ryan@AgentMarketingSyndicate.com – (this may take a few extra days for a response).

FREE Copy of Ryan’s Book: Defeat Mega Agents

mega-agents-book CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Talk soon my Friend,



Ryan Fletcher
Author, Defeat Mega-Agents
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, Broken Industry
Founder and CEO, Agent Marketing Syndicate.com

Creator, Protector/Social Superhero Program – By application only. Wait list. 12-Month minimum commitment.

PS: Make sure to subscribe to the Podcast too. It’s free, of course! If you’re already a fan of the show and loyal listener, please, let me hear from you. Head over to iTunes and leave us a review. Then send me an email with your review attached. Every 5th review is placed into a drawing to win a FREE Agent Marketing Syndicate® T-Shirt.


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