Redfin Defeated | Must Listen | Lesson of Jim Morrison | This American Life | The Backfire Effect | People Dig Deeper Into Their Beliefs | My Experience Is The Opposite Of That | This Podcast | Transformation Of Thought | Andrew Carnegie’s Never Discussed Advice To Napoleon Hill | Beyond The Grave | The Definition of Being A Perfectionist | The Guru Party | Outwitting The Devil | The Danger Of Playing A Zero Sum Game | Ways To Combat Mental Obesity | My Advice To A Parent | Her 17-Year Old Daughter | My Employee | The 6-Page Wanted Ad | How I’m Training Him To Be Masterfully Skilled | Stories Into Documentaries | The Future Of Business & Marketing | The Low-Information Agent | What Chance Does He Have? | Frustration | He Feels Stuck | Method #2 | A Look At My Business Religion | Conviction vs. Lottery Mindset | Businesses Are Not Roulette Tables | Tenet #1 | Tenet #2 | Tenet #3 | Redfin Agent Defeated | How Eric Did It | No Presentation | No Paperwork To Sign | $10,000 Higher Commission | Have You Ever Heard Of A Property Story? | The Hatfields And McCoys | 6823 Buckingham Lane | Listen In, I’ll Read It To You |  Dan Kennedy On Luck vs. Developed Skill | Method #3 | The Much Talked About Glenn Beck Soundbite | The Day Beck Thought He Ended His Career | How The Opposite Happened | His Audience Exploded | The Secret: It Goes Back To Jim Morrison | This Is What Society Craves | How To Be That Voice | Email From A  KW Agent | His Tragic Fall From Envy | The Painful Lesson He Learned | Why Your Identity Is Everything | Plus, As A Parent — The Ultimate Responsibility I Have To My Kids | The Detailed Answer I Give To Deborah…


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Thanks again for the conversation. I look forward to our next, on the next episode of the Agent Marketing Syndicate® Podcast! 

Talk soon Keep Fighting!